Tegawende Brice OUEDRAOGO

Coopération Sino-Burkinabè : Interview avec le Président de l’Alliance des Jeunes pour la Paix et le Développement au Burkina Faso

Nous avons eu le privilège d’interviewer M. Brice Tegawende, le Président de l’Alliance des Jeunes pour la Paix et le Développement au Burkina Faso. Cette discussion a porté sur les relations entre la Chine et le Burkina Faso après cinq années de coopération. M. Tegawende a apporté quelques éclairages essentiels sur les développements, les défis

Coopération Sino-Burkinabè : Interview avec le Président de l’Alliance des Jeunes pour la Paix et le Développement au Burkina Faso Read More »

« Ma vision est vaste, l’ambition est grande et les défis sont colossaux », T Brice Ouédraogo Economiste

Tegawendé Brice Ouédraogo est un jeune burkinabè stagiaire à l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour le Développement industriel à Vienne en Autriche. Titulaire d’un Bachelor en Economie option statistiques économiques, il est en fin de cycle pour l’obtention d’un Master en économie du développement. Il est par ailleurs président de l’Alliance des jeunes pour la paix

« Ma vision est vaste, l’ambition est grande et les défis sont colossaux », T Brice Ouédraogo Economiste Read More »

Discussion with the embassy of Burkina Faso in Paris, 29-12-2023

With immense pleasure, I headed a delegaton from AJPD-BF to the Embassy of Burkina Faso inParis. This occasion allowed me, in my capacity as President of the Natonal Executve Board, tointroduce His Excellency Mr. BAKOUAN, the principal representatve of the Embassy of BurkinaFaso in France, and the entre diplomatc team to the missions and accomplishments

Discussion with the embassy of Burkina Faso in Paris, 29-12-2023 Read More »

Interactons with Refugees from Lioudougou, Burkina Faso 09-09-2023

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, I had the privilege of leading a delegaton from AJPD-BF toKonki Ipala in Bazega for a humanitarian initatve aimed at assistng internally displacedpopulatons, known as the “One Kit, One Hygienic Youth” campaign. This effort, spanning twoyears, involved distributng over 150 reusable hygiene kits along with soap, detergent, and a tonof

Interactons with Refugees from Lioudougou, Burkina Faso 09-09-2023 Read More »

Discussion with H.E Mr. Lu Shan, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Burkina Faso

On September 18th, I responded to an audience invited by H.E. Mr. Lu Shan, Ambassador of thePeople’s Republic of China to Burkina Faso. This audience was the place for His Excellency to expresshis thanks and to reiterate his congratulations for the actions undertaken for cooperation in mycapacity as President of the AJPD-BF, by the former

Discussion with H.E Mr. Lu Shan, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Burkina Faso Read More »

Audience with Mme Fatou Haidara, UNIDO Vienna 2023

I had the great honor and pleasure to be received for an audience by Mme. Fatou HAIDARA ,UNIDO’s Deputy to the Director General and the Managing Director , Directorate of GlobalPartnerships and External Relations and Director General’s Special Representative for Africa.Prior to joining UNIDO , she served the government of Mali as minister of employment

Audience with Mme Fatou Haidara, UNIDO Vienna 2023 Read More »

UNESCO, Paris April 2023

I had the pleasure with my fellows from our master’s degree and from the GLODEP – GlobalDevelopment Policy to visit International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO) and theAgence Française de Développement as part of our academic field trip . We had the opportunity tobe more acquainted with the work done by these 2 institutions as

UNESCO, Paris April 2023 Read More »

UNRISD, Geneva 10-10-2022

I had the opportunity to join in person in Geneva on 10/10/2022 , United Nations Research Institutefor Social development (UNRISD) 2022 flagship report : crisis in inequality , Shifting power for a neweco social contract. This report comes on a time of global emergencies and threats as a voice forhope, resilience, and global call for

UNRISD, Geneva 10-10-2022 Read More »
