Tegawende Brice OUEDRAOGO

Interactons with Refugees from Lioudougou, Burkina Faso 09-09-2023

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, I had the privilege of leading a delegaton from AJPD-BF to
Konki Ipala in Bazega for a humanitarian initatve aimed at assistng internally displaced
populatons, known as the “One Kit, One Hygienic Youth” campaign. This effort, spanning two
years, involved distributng over 150 reusable hygiene kits along with soap, detergent, and a ton
of rice, as part of our contributon to addressing insecurity in Burkina Faso.
It’s important to note that AJPD-BF comprises members from both within Burkina Faso and the
diaspora, underscoring our solidarity with the people. Additonally, I had the opportunity to
engage with local traditonal leaders to beter understand the pressing needs of the community.
It’s worth mentoning that two years ago, we were in Lioudougou in the North Central region,
standing in solidarity with internally displaced individuals.Through such endeavors, we
demonstrate our commitment to serving our naton, Burkina Faso. We call upon all segments of
the youth to become proactve agents of peace and acton in service of our beloved country

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