Tegawende Brice OUEDRAOGO

Discussion with the embassy of Burkina Faso in Paris, 29-12-2023

With immense pleasure, I headed a delegaton from AJPD-BF to the Embassy of Burkina Faso in
Paris. This occasion allowed me, in my capacity as President of the Natonal Executve Board, to
introduce His Excellency Mr. BAKOUAN, the principal representatve of the Embassy of Burkina
Faso in France, and the entre diplomatc team to the missions and accomplishments of AJPDBF. We pride ourselves on being a premier leadership platorm dedicated to serving Burkina
Faso.The exchange was enriching as we detailed the organizaton’s 18 divisions, various project
initatves, the structure of BEN (presumably an acronym or an organizatonal aspect), and
outlined our existng internatonal partnerships. The Embassy took the opportunity to commend
AJPD-BF’s achievements and reafrm its commitment to supportng our ongoing projects.

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